Welcome to Camper Iceland

Are you looking for a Motor Home or 4×4 Camper? Look no further you have found the largest Motor Home and Camper Rental Station in Iceland. Our team manages a combined fleet of over 130 vehicles. Our fleet is divided into several categories to serve your exact needs. Many customers even prefer to rent a 4×4 first and the change to a Motor Home for the rest of the tour.

Our international Team will guide you through every detail of the chosen vehicle and provide you with useful information. We speak English, German, Icelandic and of course “Schwiizerdüütsch”.

A customer from Germany described us: … we would like to thank you for your support. A truly optimal combination between Swiss professionally and reliability with passion for this wonderful Island.

… und Ihnen nochmals danke für die Betreuung – eine wirklich optimaleKombination von schweizerischer Professionalität und Verlässlichkeit mit Liebe zu dieser wunderschönen Insel.

We proudly present our online booking tool. Feel free to book now and save money. Camper Iceland provides you with all categories. Motor Homes, 4×4 Campers and “normal” vehicles.

We look forward to see you in Iceland

your 1933 Support Team

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