Camper Iceland Video Section
Welcome to our video section. You can find nice videos about our company, our vehicles and about Iceland. We also feature instruction videos that help you understand how easy it is to use a Motor Home or 4x4 Camper. BOOK A VEHICLEThis is Camper Iceland
Visit us in the winter
Driving with Elfis
A movie made by the government to explain how to drive in Iceland. A must-see for people that have never driven in Iceland.
Driving in the WInter
Again a movie made by the Icelandic government. We actually like this video a lot. It gives you a good idea of what to expect in Iceland.
General Instruction Videos
We have uploaded two general instruction videos to give you an idea on how a Motor Home and a 4×4 Camper works. Detailed instruction videos can be found on the bottom of this page.
How to use a Motor Home
This is a general tutorial on how to use the Motor Home. A quick walk around will show the basic features on the outside. We also show the internal features and explain how to use them.
How to use a 4x4 Camper
This is a general tutorial on how to use the 4×4 Camper. A quick walk around will show the basic features on the outside. We also show the internal features and explain how to use them.
Camper Iceland Instruction Videos
A good way to prepare for your upcoming trip to Iceland BOOK A VEHICLE

The Motor Home 2 does not have an instruction video yet. However, it is similar to use as the Motor Home 4. Please watch the Motor Home 4 videobelow.

Rental Station
Camper Iceland
IS-262 Keflavik
IS:+354 553 6000